At the ADHD Foundation Neurodiversity Charity, we offer a full pre-diagnostic ADHD screening assessment for 6- to 17-year-olds. This is not a diagnostic process, it is a comprehensive screen used to support a diagnosis comprising of the QbTest or QbCheck, ADHD rating scales, a clinical interview and full history. This is a useful tool to determine whether ADHD may be present and create a body of evidence that can be used by a diagnosing clinician.
The price for a full assessment is £340. A QbTest only costs £270.
Once you have received the results of your child’s pre-diagnostic screening, and if you would like to continue their assessment and pursue a formal diagnosis, we can refer you over to a private paediatrician. Our associate paediatrician can use the evidence provided from the pre-diagnostic screening assessment to continue the diagnosis. They charge an additional fee £400 for a diagnostic consultation, and £100-£200 for each follow-up/medication review appointment required. Alternatively, we can send the results to any healthcare provider of your choice. This can be discussed following the pre-diagnostic screening.
See below for more information
6-17 Screening Service 12.05