Neurodiversity Umbrella Project for Education

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With this campaign we hope to bring school communities together to show support to our children and young people whilst highlighting the strengths, creativity and character that being neurodivergent can bring.  We hope that your school can join us on this journey!

Every school that signs up will receive:

– A pack of 25 brightly coloured umbrellas to create your own display. 

– Two neurodiversity training webinars for your staff.

– Exclusive resources including posters, information packs, lesson plans, assembly presentations, focusing on neurodiversity.

For education settings to take part there is a donation of £600 which could be covered by sponsorship from a local business, parents association, fundraising, or come out of the school budget. 

The custom made umbrellas have a pre-drilled 5mm hole at the top, which can be used by threading them with wire and hanging them where suitable. We recommend that each school plans their display beforehand. 

You can register below or contact us for more information.

Sign-up for the Neurodiversity Umbrella Project

Click here to access the sign-up form for 2025. We'd love to have you involved!


Private: Neurodiversity Umbrella Project Brochure 2023

Umbrella Gang Comic Vol.1

Umbrella Gang Comic Vol.2

Umbrella Gang Comic Vol.3

The Neurodiversity Umbrella Project

The Neurodiversity Umbrella Project is a celebration of the 1 in 5 human beings who 'Think Differently' by virtue of their dyslexia, ADHD, dyspraxia, dyscalculia and autism.

Services for Education

Read about our services for education settings, including training, accreditations, and the Neurodiversity Umbrella Project.

Training for Education

Learn more about our training offers for education settings.

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